Winter is coming, and not just in Westeros. When it gets to the point where it's dark out when I leave work and I have to wear my coat everyday, it's time to break out the bigger beers. Barleywines, imperial stouts, tripels and quads, Belgian strong ales. These are collectively my, and I'm sure a lot of yours, favorite styles of beer.
Tonight I'm drinking another beer by Atlantic Brewing Company. Their Brother Adam's Bragget sounded like just the right thing for tonight. From the bottle, it's a barleywine style honey ale, brewed with Maine honey. Brother Adam sounded like a pretty awesome beer wrangler, just check out his wiki page! I bought this beer from the brewery itself while I was in Maine, and it was a bottle from 2010.
Brewery: Atlantic Brewing Company
Beer: Brother Adam's Bragget (2010)
ABV: 11.8% (from Untappd/BeerAdvocate)
Brother Adam's Bragget poured a reddish-brown color, with a tiny head that dissipated immediately. Rising bubbles were visible, with only slight lacing left on the glass. Smells of honey, caramel malts and alcohol. Upfront, the taste is full of more of the honey and caramel malts, but the beer is more complex than that. There's definitely some fruity flavors in there, playing off the alcohol. This beer was lightly carbonated, and had a medium to heavy mouthfeel.
Overall: A great barleywine/bragget. Try it! 8/10
Have you had this beer? What did you think? Do you have a favorite bragget? Fill me in and use the comments!
Thanks for reading!
Tonight I'm drinking another beer by Atlantic Brewing Company. Their Brother Adam's Bragget sounded like just the right thing for tonight. From the bottle, it's a barleywine style honey ale, brewed with Maine honey. Brother Adam sounded like a pretty awesome beer wrangler, just check out his wiki page! I bought this beer from the brewery itself while I was in Maine, and it was a bottle from 2010.
Brewery: Atlantic Brewing Company
Beer: Brother Adam's Bragget (2010)
ABV: 11.8% (from Untappd/BeerAdvocate)
Brother Adam's Bragget poured a reddish-brown color, with a tiny head that dissipated immediately. Rising bubbles were visible, with only slight lacing left on the glass. Smells of honey, caramel malts and alcohol. Upfront, the taste is full of more of the honey and caramel malts, but the beer is more complex than that. There's definitely some fruity flavors in there, playing off the alcohol. This beer was lightly carbonated, and had a medium to heavy mouthfeel.
Overall: A great barleywine/bragget. Try it! 8/10
Have you had this beer? What did you think? Do you have a favorite bragget? Fill me in and use the comments!
Thanks for reading!
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