Thanks for coming by everyone! Yesterday, I was tipped off from the Little Bros Beverage Outlet's email list that they were having a closeout sale on Sixpoint Diesel, selling 4-packs for $3.99!! When I stopped by to pick some up, of course I checked out the rest of the beer section (which is always great). I spied a bottle of Maine Beer Company Lil One. I hadn't seen bottles of this beer since Maine Beer Company started distributing to NJ, so I picked a bottle up. Let's crack it open and see how it is!
Maine Beer Company Lil One |
Lil One
Maine Beer Company
Style: The brewers prefer not to classify it, Beer Advocate penciled it in as an American Strong Ale
9.1% ABV
Bottled on January 31, 2013
1 Pint 0.9 oz. bottle poured into my Dogfish Head Signature Glass
Maine Beer Company's Lil One pours a cloudy, orange, copper color with a two finger off white head. Very pleasant lacing is left on the walls of the glass as the head recedes. The aroma is of onion, pine and grassy hops. I'm halfway through the beer now, and there are flavors are onion, mango, grapefruit and pine. Lots of hops in this one! As Lil One warms up, the hops are definitely still there, but more of a noticeable malt presence appears. The malt tastes toasted and biscuit-like. The body is a bit higher than medium, and the carbonation is also a bit higher than medium. Not much alcohol is present in the flavor or aroma at all.
Maine Beer Company Lil One |
Overall: Maine Beer Company Lil One is good stuff. It has a rather unique hop and malt profile, but not much else sets it apart from the competition. The price point for the bottle seemed a little high ($8.99). If it was a bit cheaper, I may be a little more forgiving. With that said, I still think it's worth a try if you see it on tap or in a bottle at your local liquor store!
Have you had Maine Beer Company's Lil One? What did you think of it? Let me know in the comments!
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