Well, my goal to write something here every day didn't work. With all honesty, that is a pretty lofty goal. But I am going to update this space with posts multiple times a week. It will mainly be posts written about what beers I've been drinking, places I've been going and just random thoughts about beer. To recap, last weekend I visited Flounder and Lone Eagle breweries. It was good fun because I hadn't been out to a brewery in a good while. Our son is now old enough where we have an easier time packing him and all his things up and bringing him along. I went to Flounder by myself, but Kerry and our son came along to Lone Eagle where we had a great time. Which brings me to my main topic tonight. Do you think it's ok for people to bring their kids (infants, toddlers, teens) to a brewery? With laws changing the way they are in NJ, there is no denying that breweries are becoming more and more like bars. Its true, not all are headed this ...
Writing about beer since 2012