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Schneider Weisse Hopfen Weisse

I couldn't believe I had missed out when a collaboration between Garrett Oliver of Brooklyn Brewery and Hans-Peter Drexler of Schneider Weisse was released.  In fact, I hadn't even heard of it until +L Allen Huerta mentioned that he was looking for the beer, Hopfen Weisse, because it was in the book "1001 Beers You Must Drink Before You Die."  

Schneider Weisse Hopfen Weisse
Schneider Weisse Hopfen Weisse
Reading up on the collaboration revealed that there were two versions of Hopfen Weisse brewed.  One was brewed by Hans-Peter Drexler in Brooklyn Brewery, while the other by Garrett Oliver in Schneider Weisse's German brewery.  Each version was brewed to showcase each respective brewery's locally grown hop varieties.  In this case, Garrett Oliver's version was dry hopped with Hallertauer Saphir from Germany, while Hans-Peter Drexler's was dry hopped with Amarillo and Palisade hops from America

I couldn't find a bottle from Brooklyn Brewery, but I did manage to find some bottles from Schneider Weisse's brewery in Bishop & Bishop Wine & Spirits of Whitehouse Station, NJ.  Time to pour this beer!

Schneider Weisse Hopfen Weisse
Schneider Weisse Hopfen Weisse
Hopfen Weisse
Schneider Weisse / Brooklyn Brewery 
8.2% ABV

Hopfen Weisse poured a pale amber color with a finger width white head.  There was lots of visible rising carbonation.  The aroma and flavor were both very fruity and representative of a hefeweizen, with a slight bitterness in the finish.  The bitterness may have been more pronounced if the bottle was more fresh.  I would love to try a fresh bottle, but I'm not sure if this beer is being brewed again.  The body was fairly heavy, and was very smooth going down.  There was no hint of the 8.2% ABV.

Overall:  Very good.  Wish I could try the version brewed by Hans-Peter Drexler to compare.  Hope I can track a bottle down at some point.  

Have you had either version of Hopfen Weisse?  Let me know what you thought of them in the comments!

Schneider Weisse and Hopfen Weisse on Beer Portfolio

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  1. Very nice! Glad you picked it up. I know you aren't counting but working through the list is a bit more difficult than I thought.


    1. I'm keeping track now, but I'm not picking up beers specifically because they're on the list (except for this one!).


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