So it's July 28, the Summer Olympics are in full swing in London, and here in NJ we've been having some gnarly thunderstorms and hot days! I didn't do much this week on the exercise front, I really need to get back on that wagon! Weyerbacher's Tiny, an 11.8% Belgian-style Imperial Stout, pours a deep black color, with a light brown head that doesn't stick around for very long. After letting it warm up for around 15 minutes, I smell deep, roasted malts and dark chocolate. Much the same in the taste. Bitter chocolate, a touch of alcohol, and a nice roasted flavor. It's a good imperial stout, but it doesn't really set itself apart from the other imperial stouts on the market. I don't think I would buy this one again, but would definitely drink it if someone gave it to me. A few things about the Summer Olympics opening ceremonies, LOVED Rowan Atkinson's (aka Mr Bean's) skits. The ceremonies started out really neat, showing the s...
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